Friday, October 14, 2011


For someone I love.

No one loves me! this I know,
for the voices tell me so,
often in hormonal throe,
blinding me from loved ones, lo—

Surrounded by a caring lot,
my mind dissolves the love I’ve got
into an acrid slurry blot,
which smothers heart and causes rot.

Thus helpless here I lie in wait,
and pray, perchance, I find a date
who’s better still than one, once great,
to make my muddled heart elate.

Yet know I not that I can’t win
until I foster love within,
which cleanses stifled heart of sin,
and quiets mind’s destructive din.

I am loved! though cannot see
the love so many have for me,
but, someday soon, this shall not be—
for one day I shall set me free.

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