Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Contemporary Cautionary Tale

Road Rage Roger
Roger ranted daily driving to and fro from work,
for all who drove beside him was an “idiot!” or “jerk!”
His blood would boil, teeth would grit, and throttled tight the wheel;
he’d loose his middle digit high, then take off with a squeal.
But one day, while he tore about from lane to sluggish lane,
he tread upon the final nerve that kept another sane.
When Roger heard the heavy-handed horn holler behind,
his finger sprang to action quick on outstretched limb in kind.
He’d teach this jerk a lesson well, and hinder him he did,
until the light before them changed and stopped them with a skid.
In rear view, Roger watched him twitch as silently he’d shout,
then filled with terror once he saw the maniac step out.
With fervent haste the man appeared, gun aimed at Roger’s head;
without a word, the trigger’s pulled, and shoots poor Roger dead.

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