Thursday, June 23, 2011

Alluring Alliteration

"Indigo's Indelible Idiosyncrasies"
Slim loping legs lead her long and lightly, leaping lively to lush lawn laid with sun leering brightly.
With gait, great and wide, she gracefully glides, giant galloping paws thus do gently collide with grass and gray gravel as she gustily travels.
Snout sniffs the sweet soaring scents, swirling around, sweeping swiftly several centimeters over the ground.
Quiting, she quickly quells her quivering quads; chomping cool cubes of ice, crazily crushing them to calm her vice, then comes crashing a comfortable, contented canine.
My marvelous mutt must make me more merry than most mightily mirthy men.

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