Friday, July 13, 2012


bumbling ballerina
whose grace is left to chance
she’ll stub a toe as soon as go
but, oh, to see her dance

fire in her footstep
fierce passion in her eyes
she wields her dress with such finesse
you'll clamor for reprise

off the stage she's pleasant
both rascal and refined
more goof than grace, many a place
but always sweet and kind

brimming sanguine fluid
which drains to just half-full
in times of trial she maintains style
and seldom loses cool

a girl others envy
who seems to have it all
shows humbleness, ‘spite all success
has reason to walk tall

Thursday, July 12, 2012

"Hachi Machi!"

Of light and life and merriment
seldom deployed, yet heaven sent
uplifting spirit high aloft
beyond the clouds below so soft
from whence she flew on gentle wing
where trumpets sound and choirs sing
thusly came she down to earth
filling life with boundless mirth
pervading all with puerile play
perverting prim and proper sway
but sadly soon again we'll part
and bid farewell with heavy heart
yet take heart also in this truth
I’ll meet again, this precious youth